“Hysenbelliu Group” is one of the main groups of great importance in terms of major investments made in Albania.

“Hysenbelliu Group” has been and continues to be committed to develop upholding the highest standards in all of its fields of activity. Our customers, and the market in general, appreciate our tendency and insistence on providing high-quality and innovative products and services. This has given us the motivation to move evermore towards the realization of increasingly ambitious new projects for the future.

Our Portofolio

6 Industries - 19 Companies - 29 Years of Experience

Our Vision

Tackling everybody’s dream: “Creating a successful business”, through a special intuition, impressive initiative and the far-sightedness to produce future fruits.

Doing business has to be more of an instinct, a sniff. Sometimes decisions may sound strange and maybe a little bit crazy, but in the end the risk brings success.
Having this cost in mind i started to establish Hysenbelliu Group, by transforming it from a small business to a company with a diversified portfolio of businesses, and today, leaving aside my modesty, i might say that we have a successful leading position in the Albanian Market.

Hysenbelliu Group

Latest News

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